Become a Member
By becoming a member of Fundación Prodis you help us to sustain our programmes and services, favouring the Foundation’s sustainability, whose main source of funding comes from donations from individuals and companies, who so generously contribute to people with intellectual disabilities being able to live a fulfilling life.
Your contribution will be used to provide support for people with intellectual disabilities, through the more than 18 programmes and services that we offer to almost 500 people and their families.
Join Fundación Prodis. Because with you, we create opportunities.
Fill in this form and you will soon receive our Fundación Prodis welcome letter.
If you prefer, call us on 913 715 351
Come and collaborate with us!
Plus, if you request your donation certificate, you can get up to 80% tax relief. If you are a natural person, required to file a tax return (IRPF), the Treasury will deduct 80% from the first €150 you donate. From that amount, the deduction will be 35% or 40%. The latter percentage shall apply in the case of regular donations made to Prodis for at least three years for an equal or greater amount. The deduction is limited to 10% of the taxable base. Thank you for your collaboration.