• Individuals

Bequests and legacies

Another way to collaborate with Fundación Prodis and support its projects is by leaving us a bequest or legacy.

Anyone may leave up to one third of their assets, called “of free disposable”, to whom they decide, whether a natural or legal person.

The bequest or legacy, when left to a Foundation, is not taxed by inheritance tax or corporate tax. You can bequeath an amount of money, a percentage of the total value of the estate, real estate, property such as jewellery, works of art or antiques, or financial securities.

With your bequest and legacy, no matter however large or small, you contribute to improving the lives of the people with intellectual disabilities we support, thus creating opportunities for all.

If you would like to include Fundación Prodis in your will, as heir or legatee, it is only necessary to do so before a notary, including the following information:

Fundación Prodis

Tax ID: G82622580


Indalecio Prieto Boulevard, 2

28032 MADRID