• ECA – Supported Employment


The Job Inclusion Service aims to support people with intellectual disabilities trained in the academic path of Prodis, in their incorporation into the world of work.

Through personalized accompaniment and the methodology of “Supported Employment” regulated by Royal Decree 870/2007, of 2 July, the incorporation into employment is promoted and the maintenance of the job is ensured.

Thanks to a team of highly trained labor mediators, we provide the necessary support to people with intellectual disabilities so that they can exercise their right to work, in parallel to the creation of favorable environments in companies, promoting the inclusion of disability.

The general objectives of the Labour Inclusion Service are:

  • Provide the necessary support to enable persons with intellectual disabilities to exercise their right to work and fully integrate into an ordinary enterprise.

  • Improve their quality of life and autonomy

  • Enhance your personal and work development

Enable persons with disabilities to participate actively in society through the performance of work in which they feel valued and that allows them ultimately to realize their own life project.