• Training for employment inclusion

Avanzas – Preuniversity Program

The Avanzas programme is the first step in our work-oriented training programme. It is a pre-university programme, lasting between one and two years, aimed at young people with intellectual disabilities.

Through a project-based methodology, based on the Universal Design of Learning, young people work new skills, and gain a solid knowledge base on new technologies, in addition to improving their autonomy, and acquire the necessary skills to access the University.

The curriculum is developed at the headquarters of the Prodis Foundation and includes 13 subjects, which are taught by Foundation professionals and other experts who collaborate in different subjects.

The objectives of Avanzas are:

  • Provide socio-occupational training adapted to individual needs, oriented towards inclusion in the university environment and in the world of work or for a new training path.

  • Integrate the use of ICT as a resource for learning and job training.

  • To reach a higher maturity that favors the adult coping of our young people, successfully.

  • Promote their responsibility, initiative and autonomy.

  • Enhance your teamwork skills.

  • Actively participate in the activities, events and cultural outings proposed from the program and from the Prodis Foundation.