• Patrons and Team of professionals

Prodis Foundation


The PRODIS foundation was set up in March 2000 by a group of people with family or professional connections to children and young people with intellectual disabilities. All the members of the board who constitute it contribute their work in a disinterested way


Soledad Herreros de Tejada y Luca de Tena

Vice President

William Harry Derrenger Baum


Gabriel Castañón González


Sara Pardo Rodríguez


Javier Anitua Echeverría

Diego Arana Muguruza

Iñigo de Churruca Bonilla

William Harry Derrenger Baum

José Ignacio Echegaray del Campo

Cristina Fernández Zapata

Lola Izuzquiza Gasset

Leire Larracoechea San Sebastián

Conchita Migoya Calvo-Sotelo

Borja Moreno de los Ríos Herreros de Tejada

Concha Piñera Meana

Honorary employers

José Antonio Bellido Moltó

Amelia Díaz-Guardamino Delclaux

Isabel Maier Allende

Manuel Ruiz de Gopegui Dronda


Valle Oñate Dancausa

General Direction

Lola Izuzquiza Gasset

Director of Quality, Training and Inclusion

Paloma Arnaiz

Director of HR and Organization

Marta López

Financial Director

María Ruiz Poveda

Director of Marketing, Communication and Events

Iria Hernández-Cañizares

Director of Institutional and External Relations